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Index Holdings
Oxford Works, Bridge Road, Sunninghill, Ascot
5.0 4 reviews
Paul Shields
2 months ago
Index have always provided great service and would recommend to anyone.
Angela Paradise
2 months ago
I contacted a number of companies when looking to have a new alarm fitted and I really liked the values and responsiveness of the Index team. They came out to view my property and talked me through options and nothing was too much trouble. The quote they sent through was exceptionally reasonable and the engineer who came out and spent the day setting it all up was absolutely superb. I would highly recommend them.
Billy Goumenos
3 months ago
Professional job done for any security system and building maintenance.
Nadia Queiro
3 months ago
A few weeks ago The Bluestar Property Services have done some work at my property and I have to say that the staff who came was very friendly, professional and always carrying the safety measures regarding COVID. I am very happy with the work done. Definitely I will recommend to everyone.
Thank you.